Friday, February 27, 2009

FirSt oF oL....

trcapai gak impian tinggi mnggunung aku nk wat blog....hahahaha...actually aku sndri xtau nk dscribe myself cmne...hehehe.....act i living in my own idiosyncrasy world(watpe nk tiru orangkn...hehehe)...i cry happily and i laugh ladly...wah....lalala...hehehe..i don't waste my time living just to know what's the meaning of life,because life is half spent before we know what it is.Use your imagination,spread your wings.I believe it's better to be wise than to be smart,it's better to be smart than to be foolish.but i also believe that it's better to be honest than to be everything that you are not.I seek music as my refuge,and religion as my base.wah........aku kah yg tulis yang paling aku sure...hehehe..aku jnis pale otak xbetul..ske huhahuha...hahaha..yg len tu korg nilai r aku cmne korng rse k....
jnj enjoyyyyy!!!!hehehe...

lastly....comment tu klu blh tggl r ek...hehehe
(cewahh...mcm trdesak lak...hahaha)

1 comment:

  1. apesal aku rs mcm kenal je pompuan kt blkng ko tu???
    tibe2 terselit di situ
